Saint John's in the Village

An Episcopal Church, where in the name of Christ you are always welcome

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St John’s offers the local community much in the way of pastoral care and cultural richness. Our Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute offers theologically informed therapy both to Christians and to those of other faith traditions (and of none). Spiritual Direction is offered once a month by a trained Franciscan brother. We offer 12-step meetings five nights per week: including Alcoholics, Debtors, Narcotics, and Crystal Meth Anonymous groups. Our courtyard garden, managed by a team of volunteers, is an oasis for many Villagers and visitors alike. We present a rich arts program including drama in our theater, visual arts in our art gallery, and much music of many kinds (from the medieval to the modern) both in the church and in the gallery, and we are home to five community choirs.

If you would like to help St John’s in these ministries you can send a check to us (‘St John’s Church’) at 224 Waverly Place, NY 10014, or use this donate button. However the best way to make a donation is by registering it as a pledge for 2025.


In order sustain these we need to invite financial support from those in both our physical and virtual parishes. If you are willing to make a financial contribution to our collective mission please consider making a pledge to St. John’s.